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Purchase a digital ‘Lara Croft’ narrative of up to 1000 characters. This is NOT a real person’s voice, it is digitally generated by an AI. Just input the text you want, excluding any profanity, and make your purchase. We aim to deliver your purchase via eMail within 24 hours. Once your order has been delivered, there can be no refunds as you cannot return digital content.

We can also deliver digital voice content in other languages and voices. Please ask if you are interested in purchasing a different voice narrative. NONE of the voices/narratives you purchase from this website can be resold or distributed for free anywhere else, they are for your own personal/business use only.

Please note: You will receive one audio file with your purchase. If you have requested separate pieces of dialogue in your order, you will have to know how to split/use the file in your game. You can do this for free online, or download software that can help.

You can choose from the following AI voices:






